News / 8 beautiful villages

8 beautiful villages

18 October 2016

We took part in the development of a guide to rural tourism as part of the initiative #отдыхаемвРоссии ('let's spend vacation in Russia'), along with the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation, Perspektiva Foundation and Культура.рф portal. One of the guide's 4 sections was devoted to beautiful villages.

We picked 8 villages, 4 of which are members of the Association of the Most Beautiful Villages of Russia - Vyatkoye, Desyatnikovo, Kinerma, Oshevensky Pogost, and 4 more villages are candidates for accession to the Association - Bolshoy Kunaley, Vorzogory, Kiltsa and Kimzha. Geography of the villages' situation is wide - Arkhangelsk region, Yaroslavl region, Republics of Buryatia and Karelia.

For more information, refer to Kultura.rf and see the announcement on the website of the Civic Chamber.

The news about selection of beautiful villages was reprinted by many mass media, including national newspapers and portals:

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