News / The most beautiful village in the Arctic

The most beautiful village in the Arctic

13 February 2017

Kimzha will be the first Arctic and the northern-most village in the Association of the most beautiful villages of Russia and the Federation of the most beautiful villages of the Earth.

At the 15th of February the next mission of the Association of the most beautiful villages of Russia will start from Moscow to Arkhangelsk region.

At the 19th of February the village of Kimzha at Mezensky district will be inaugurated and become the fifth member of the Association. The inauguration ceremony will be attended by the Governor of Arkhangelsk region Igor Orlov and president of the Association Alexander Merzlov. A special road information sign will be opened in Kimzha and the Charter (agreement) will be signed between the Association and the heads of the district, rural municipality and TOS (community of local residents). Importantly, Mezen district is officially the part of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation and Kimzha will soon become the first Arctic and the northern-most not only among the most beautiful villages of Russia, but also of the world!

Over the next two days, experts of the Association will also visit other villages in Mezensky and neighboring Leshukonsky district to do a preliminary selection of potential candidates for membership in the Association, as well as participate in the conference "Guest houses - the basis of hospitality" to make a presentation of the Association's activities and about the related International Federation "Peasant hospitality".

At the 22th of February during the press conference in Arkhangelsk Alexander Merzlov and his colleagues will share their impressions of the expedition and the prospects for rural development in the region and in Russia as a whole. Arkhangelsk region is now one of the leaders in the development of rural tourism. Last year in Ustyanah (south of the Arkhangelsk region), with the support of the Federal Tourism Agency, the International Forum "Development of tourism in rural areas" was successfully held, where the presentation of the Association of the most beautiful villages of Russia was done.

"We are a development project - said in his speech at the forum, Professor Alexander Merzlov, who heads the Centre of Rural Development of Timiryazev Academy besides the Association - this means primarily the sustainable development of rural areas. And tourism development should play the role of one of the main drivers. "

The Federation of the most beautiful villages of the Earth unites a number of national associations, including the Russian one, established less than three years ago. The executives of Russian Association participated in the General Assembly of the Federation of the most beautiful villages of the world, which took place in may of 2016 in Canada. With the adoption of Kimzha Russian Association will consist of 5 villages that have been recognized by the relevant experts according to very strict criteria of the international rating system.

The Vyatskoe village was adopted to Association as the first of the most beautiful villages of Russia in 2015. In 2016 AMBVR accepted Oshevensky Pogost (Arkhangelsk region), Kinerma (Republic of Karelia) and Desyatnikova (Republic of Buryatia).

In the summer of 2017 among members of the Association of the most beautiful villages of Russia will appear one more representative of the Arkhangelsk region - the village of Vorzogory (Onega district), located on the shore of the White Sea. In addition, there are several candidates from other regions of Russia.

The rules of admission and selection criteria of AMBVR can be found on the official website of the Association: .

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